Saját készítésű meditációk

Energy massage in English

The text of energy massage meditation in English



If you allow me I will give you an exraordinary massage. In this energy massage I won’t be giving you either my energy – or any other energy: with the help of this energy massage I’ll help you kickstart your own energies, energy flows – so they work perfectly without obstacles helping and strenghtening you.

If you accept my services you only have to get comfortable. Relax and enjoy, imagine what I say and slowly you will start to feel my hand, my palms and fingers touching your body. Your muscles will relax, bloodpressure and lymph activity will increase – the blood and vitality will flow freely.

Whether you sit or lay down imagine now that you are laying in your preferred position either on your back or front. But you are not on a bed – you are floating on air just as a person floats on water. You may imagine a fluffy cloud that will support you safely: let go of the restraints of the physical world, in the imagination everything is possible. Allow yourself to be surrounded by peace and calm.

If any part of your body is currently inflamed imagine that a compress is applied to that part: when I get there with the massage ignore that area just focus on the coolness of the compress as it calms and reduces the inflamation. I will use a special balm during the massage one that you like the scent of you may even smell it later on.

I will start on the left- the feminin side. This is more accepting, inclusive, relaxed and more able to experience emotion.

Please breath deeply.

First I will stroke your left foot gently to begin with then slightly stronger with both of my hands.  I’ll move your big toe side to side, pressing it gently with my fingers. Feel the loving, caring movements of my hands on your foot. Now I will do the same to the rest of your toes – feel the heat growing in each one.

Now I’m holding your foot with both hands and with my thumbs I’m massaging the sole of your foot first gently then increasing the intensity. Every point is massaged, thoroughly worked. The top of your foot is also massaged all the way up to your ankle. If there are any painful points on your foot, calluses or thicker skin concentrate on those points and feel the energy flow decreasing the pain and slowly stopping it altogether. Now some supporting strenghtening sentences: while I’m saying these feel free to continue to feel the sensation of the massage.

If you accept what I say and you allow it to happen, say yes and it will happen.

I can put down roots in situations that require tenacity. My actions are grounded I can act with determination and stand on my own feet. The powers of my firmness of purpose perseverance and resilience all stem from my foot. „

Breathe deeply I move onto your left ankle. I’ll pay special attention here as the ankle is the area of jumping. Stroking and pressing around the ankle-feel my fingers warming your skin. If you accept what I say in helping you, say yes to yourself. I continue to massage.

I am able to quit life situations that cause me to feel anxious or pressured- if I feel it’s neccesary I can take root in new safely grounded situations.”

Breathe deeply. Continuing with your left calf. With circular motions I’ll stroke upwards all the way around from ankle to knee. I knead your calf muscles just like dough. If you have vascular problems here feel a warm healing blanket enveloping tightly your calf supporting your veins so they can contract strongly supporting the walls of the veins. The sluggish blood is starting to flow freely, your leg feels lighter the pain diminishes.

I can choose the correct action in life if I deem it neccessary. „

Breathe deeply.

Your knee is next, this is the seat of humility. This doesn’t mean humiliation but rather the expression of respect especially to oneself. Gently stroking your kneecap and the back of your knee, I knead it with the help of my palm.

The next stage of my life has been determined by the divine plan before my birth and I accept this willingly, freely.”

Breath deeply.

Left tight next. With circular upword motions I stroke front back and sides too from knee to hip, hip joint as well as the buttock thoroughly. I knead the whole area with my palm with increasing intensity to aid circulation and oxygen supply.

„I am able to step, move forward with ease, flexibility and fluidity- in all areas of my life.”

Breathe deeply.

Now I’m working through the whole of the left leg, with strong stroking motions bottom to top, soles of the foot to hip massage evenly. Heat is generated in the left leg and you feel relaxed.

I understand the phenomena in my life. My left leg will support me when I need to stand my ground. „

Breathe deeply.

I take some of the scented balm and continue with your right leg. 

This is the masculine side. Resolute, active forceful energy type is represented here.

First I will stroke your right foot gently to begin with then slightly stronger with both of my hands.  I’ll move your big toe side to side, pressing it gently with my fingers. Feel the loving, caring movements of my hands on your foot. Now I will do the same to the rest of your toes – feel the heat growing in each one.

Now I’m holding your foot with both hands and with my thumbs I’m massaging the sole of your foot first gently then increasing the intensity. Every point is massaged, thoroughly worked. The top of your foot is also massaged all the way up to your ankle. If there are any painful points on your foot, calluses or thicker skin concentrate on those points and feel the energy flow decreasing the pain and slowly stopping it altogether. Now some supporting strenghtening sentences: while I’m saying these feel free to continue to feel the sensation of the massage.

If you accept what I say and you allow it to happen, say yes and it will happen.

I can put down roots in situations that require tenacity. My actions are grounded I can act with determination and stand on my own feet. The powers of my firmness of purpose perseverance and resilience all stem from my foot. „

Breathe deeply. I move onto your right ankle. I’ll pay special attention here as the ankle is the area of jumping. Stroking and pressing around the ankle-feel my fingers warming your skin. If you accept what I say in helping you, say yes to yourself. I continue to massage.

I am able to quit life situations that cause me to feel anxious or pressured- if I feel it’s neccesary I can take root in new safely grounded situations.”

Breathe deeply. Continuing with your right calf. With circular motions I’ll stroke upwards all the way around from ankle to knee. I knead your calf muscles just like dough. If you have vascular problems here feel a warm healing blanket enveloping tightly your calf supporting your veins so they can contract strongly supporting the walls of the veins. The sluggish blood is starting to flow freely, your leg feels lighter the pain diminishes.

I can choose the correct action in life if I deem it neccessary. „

Breathe deeply.

Your knee is next, this is the seat of humility. This doesn’t mean humiliation but rather the expression of respect especially to oneself. Gently stroking your kneecap and the back of your knee, I knead it with the help of my palm.

The next stage of my life has been determined by the divine plan before my birth and I accept this willingly, freely.”

Breath deeply.

Right tight next. With circular upword motions I stroke front back and sides too from knee to hip, hip joint as well as the buttock thoroughly. I knead the whole area with my palm with increasing intensity to aid circulation and oxygen supply.

„I am able to step, move forward with ease, flexibility and fluidity- in all areas of my life.”

Breathe deeply.

Now I’m working through the whole of the right leg, with strong stroking motions bottom to top, soles of the foot to hip massage evenly. Heat is generated in the right leg and you feel relaxed.

I give up pretence, accept flexibility as human characteristics. My right leg hepls me to act with perseverance, stand my ground when I act according to my will. „

Breathe deeply.

I continue with your left hand. I take your hand and with the scented balm I carefully but firmly massage both your palm and the back of your hand. Then with slightly firmer strokes I go over it again. Next I move your little finger from stem to tip side to side, then press it between my fingers from tip to stem. Then I move onto the other fingers and repeat. I massage firmly the pad of your thumb with smooth stroking motions. I move it side to side up and down and down and up as well. Then I massage, stroke the whole hand again.

If you accept say yes to yourself.

„With my left hand I’m able to take whatever my fate brings”

Breathe deeply.

Now your left wrist and lower arm to elbow. First gently from wrist upwards I stroke then more firmly, holding tight with my palm and fingers I massage. Feel the warmth spreading through your arm, circulation increases muscles relaxing.

„I can take my life into my own hands. I understand what my fate is showing me. I can pull myself together when neccessary”

I’m massaging your left elbow inside and out front and back.

„The elbow can act like a crane to move obstacles out of the way if the situation requires it, and it is my elbow that allowes me to embrace my loved ones or even the whole world.”


Breathe deeply.

You upper arm next. I’m stroking up towards the shoulder then with more force I massage the muscles with my fingers moving them side to side between my palms.

„My upper arms symbolise my strength that supports me. I am capable of action and when I’m completing a task I can work effectively.”


Now for the left shoulder: take a deep breath and let me massage it. I am working on these muscles hard to loosen them and to revive circulation. Getting nicely warmer.

„The shoulders hold the upper body together. I can shoulder my life’s responsibilities. I support myself. I am able to carry my life’s burden on my strong shoulders although it is not actually a burden as I have taken it on myself. My shoulder enables my arm’s freedom of action. Holding my shoulders strait and back allows room for my lungs to breathe.”

Breath deeply.

I will work through this area once more with strong smoothing motions from fingers to shoulders evenly everywhere. Your whole arm is warm and relaxed.

„I can controll my fate. I am the captain of my ship.”


I continue with your right hand. I take your hand and with the scented balm I carefully but firmly massage both your palm and the back of your hand. Then with slightly firmer strokes I go over it again. Next I move your little finger from stem to tip side to side, then press it between my fingers from tip to stem. Then I move onto the other fingers and repeat. I massage firmly the pad of your thumb with smooth stroking motions. I move it side to side up and down and down and up as well. Then I massage, stroke the whole hand again.

If you accept say yes to yourself.

„I hold my power in my right hand”

Breathe deeply.

Now your right wrist and lower arm to elbow. First gently from wrist upwards I stroke then more firmly, holding tight with my palm and fingers I massage. Feel the warmth spreading through your arm, circulation increases muscles relaxing. I’m massaging your right elbow inside and out front and back.


Breathe deeply.

You upper arm next. I’m stroking up towards the shoulder then with more force I massage the muscles with my fingers moving them side to side between my palms.

„If I’m getting ready for a major action, I am able to complete it I am active and efficient. I get started on things with my right arm. This is how I control my life.”


Now for the right shoulder: take a deep breath and let me massage it. I am working on these muscles hard to loosen them and to revive circulation. Getting nicely warmer.

Breath deeply.

I will work through this area once more with strong smoothing motions from fingers to shoulders evenly everywhere. Your whole arm is warm and relaxed.


Next your back. Breathe deeply. I will begin gently again with the scented balm with tender circular movements around both sides of your hips then waist, around the kidney area, your sides then higher up the shoulder blades and the backs of the shoulders and your neck.

After this, with the help of my palm I massage all these areas firmly starting with the hips, waist then sides. If you have any problems with your spine I will use gentle massage over this area with my hot palms starting at the bottom moving up slowly over your spine. Where there is pain I will hold my hand you just allow the pain to dissolve, stop and disappear. If your spine is fine then allow me to put my bodyweight on it and crack it from top to bottom.

„ I accept my burdens consciously for consciously carried burdens, be actual of symbolical, are easy to carry even if they weigh heavy. I take my responsibilities seriously so I carry them lightly. I am straight and honest with myself. I follow the stream of my life snaking flexibly with the current just like the energy within me. My inner and outer standing are in harmony, my inner support is solid and stable but flexible and adaptable at the same time.”


Next your front. Breathe deeply.

I start at your hips taking care of your organs, stroking with both hands gently from lower down upwords to the sides around the belly, circling. Then around your waist to the hight of your stomach on either side followed by ribs and chest. Then if you would like both underarms and breast stroked lightly. Next around the heart the area over the bronchia the front of the shoulders. Finally the front of the neck with loving tender stokes. Now I’m going to go over the same areas firmly. If there are any painful, damaged areas, organs, I am only using gentle strokes and then place my hand over the affected area. Focus your attention to these parts enter into the centres with your consciousness and feel the beginning of the healing process, the pain dissipating. Use the wave of energy- whitch is your own- to heal the demage.

„ My existence fundamentally linked with Mother Earth, my body is part of Mother Earth, I resonate with her. I am able to move forward in my inner ways. I open new areas, walk new paths, using the support of the familiar experiences of the past. I am able to accept and process the events of my life and I am capable of regenerate. I know what it is like to experience joy, I allow myself to enjoy life. Inside myself I make connections between in and out, up and down. The centre of my energies is my heart and this is the centre of my consciousness. I am able to love myself, I allow myself to experience sensations and emotions. I can express my love towards myself and my world.”

Breathe deeply.

I am going to massage your face now like a facial. Starting at your chin I use strokes from under the chin following the line of the jaw upwards. I use a facecream that softens and freshens your skin, smoothes any wrinkles, gives back the elasticity to the connective tissue, renewing and freshening. Cleansing away spots blackheads calming the skin. I will not leave out your neck, very gently stroking your throat, larynx and for women around the cleavage.

With circular motions your cheeks, cheekbones massaging upwards and outwards I stroke around your mouth and lips upwards your nose. Very gently, silkily I stroke your closed eyes. Next your forehead upwards and outwards.

„ I am able to make and keep connections with people. I hear my inner messages and my voice is clear, capable of true communication. My receptivity is functioning flawlessly. I can see through the veils of illusion but I use discression towards my own actions and my fellow human beings. My inner light is radiant, it emanates and spreads: it allows me to see clearly. I am the Light.”

Breathe deeply.

Finally I am going to massage your scalp. I use a fine balm which nourishes the scalp and the hair.  I use small circular movements first around the nape of your neck, then higher, at the back behind the ears, then carefully so I don’t pull on your hair, I stroke, massage the top of the head, moving the skin over your skull. I massage the ears from the top to the earlobes. Lastly cradling your head with my outstretched fingers, I massage firmly your scalp.

„ I am able to live and use my freedom and power. My thoughts are clear and through recognition and understanding they give information about reality. I am directly connected to the divine source via my higher self. I allow the energy of the Earth trough my body to flow up to the Heaven and the energy of the Heaven to flow down through my body to the Earth. I connect the Earth with the Heaven within myself.”

I am that I am.


Ara Rauch